Congrats to senior, Halle Olsen, our first state qualifier! Halle placed second in the high jump. Good job, Halle!
almost 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
A note on district track today in Wisner: The schedule said they were not going to run ahead of schedule, but they just announced that they WILL run ahead of schedule. Therefore, finals will likely start before 7pm.
almost 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
Our expert 7th graders spoke with 6th graders about moving to the Junior High next year. Thank you 7th graders for sharing your wisdom.
almost 3 years ago, Nishja Nuss
7th Grade Panel
One week left to help support the 2021 Tiger Volleyball team! There are both volleyball and generic tiger designs available. Thanks in advance for your support!
almost 3 years ago, Cayle Klein
The track team is heading to Districts today! Good luck Tigers!
almost 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
Tracksters heading off to Districts
Track Districts
Track team heading to districts
Corbin Connealy is bringing home a fun bucket of chalk! Mrs. Bridges’ kindergarten class picked “Chalk the Walk” for their May Madness day.
almost 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
Four of Tekamah-Herman's 8th grade junior high track team qualified for JH State Track, this Saturday (5/15) in Gothenburg. Pictured (L-R): Jessen Booth (100 hurdles, 4x4), Spencer Pagels (4x4), Gabe Stock (4x4) and Cale Belfrage (400m, 4x4). Congrats Tigers!
almost 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
JH Track State Qualifiers
May Madness took us to Mrs. O’Mara’s classroom today for Gum Day. Lola Brumfield was ecstatic to be the random winner of a gumball machine!
almost 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
Our preschool classrooms picked Pajama Day for the 11th day of May Madness. Garrett Abraham and Krete Moore were the lucky winners of a tiger robe and tiger slippers!
almost 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
Huge congratulations to the Tiger golf team, your East Husker Conference CHAMPIONS! Awesome job, guys! ⛳️🏆 Brock Rogers - 2nd place - 75 Jed Hoover - 5th place - 85 Bret Brenneis - 8th place - 88 Eldridge Jensen - 13th place - 92
almost 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
Visit the links below to sign up for Driver's Ed this summer. Driving Schedule: Driving Test Schedule:
almost 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
Drivers Ed
T Herman the Tiger visited Mrs. Eriksen’s kindergarten class for Mindful Monday today. Hayes Hoier was the lucky winner of some fun games!
almost 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
Graduation is this Saturday, May 15th at 3pm. Masks will be required of all guests who attend. Seating will be on a first come, first serve basis.
almost 3 years ago, Michelle Tobin
Congratulations to the 8th grade boys track team on their runner up finish at the East Husker Conference track meet yesterday!
about 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
8th track
Are you looking for a wonderful employment opportunity? Do you love to work with children? If you said "yes" to either of those questions, click below because we are hiring!
about 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
T Herman visited Mrs. Nathan’s classroom for Movie Day! Andre Vink was the lucky winner of a movie day basket.
about 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
3rd grade
Congratulations to our seniors on your last day at Tekamah-Herman Schools! The next senior shout-out is Connor Moore.
about 3 years ago, Nishja Nuss
C. Moore
May Madness continues to Mrs. Braniff’s 4th grade classroom for stuffed animal day! Easton Fleischman was the lucky winner of a stuffed tiger.
about 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
4th grade
Just a reminder that Youth Volleyball Camp forms are due back tomorrow, May 7th! Forms and payment must be received tomorrow in order to guarantee a t-shirt.
about 3 years ago, Cayle Klein
Reminder: If your son is planning on attending the Tiger Boys Youth Basketball Camp from June 1-4, please sign up at the following link & bring your waiver and money to Coach Klein. In order to get your shirt, you need to sign up by Friday, May 7th.
about 3 years ago, Mr. Rosenboom