Our Tiger wrestling teams have apparel for sale! Grab yours today. Store closes 10/13!

The book fair has arrived! Check out the flyer for more information on times. You can also order books online here at https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/tekamahhermancomsch1

Advanced Art traveled to Wayne State College today in partnership with Cultural Connections. They enjoyed a performance by Brulé. Afterwards they toured the Fine Arts building and the Nordstrand Art Gallery.

Will we see you showing your best TIGER PRIDE tonight? Come celebrate Homecoming week with us!

Attention: Tekamah-Herman School District patrons with children in grades K-12 are eligible to claim mileage to and from the nearest school or pick-up location. The IRS mileage reimbursement rate is $.67 per mile. The attached form is due on or before the 5th of the following month that mileage is accumulated in order to be approved at the regular monthly School Board meeting. One trip per household. Pre-school students and are not eligible for reimbursement. If you have any questions, please contact Heidi Lindberg at 402.374.2157.
You can find a printable mileage form here: https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1836/District/4780062/Mileage_Invoice.pdf

Don't forget we have a page where you can find order and activity forms. What's trending now you ask? Well, XC Roster shirts of course!
Check them out here by clicking on the button:

With May wrapping up and the summer just beginning, we want to give a shout out to our staff that were recognized this year. Congratulations to you all! We are grateful for your many years of service to THS!

Just a quick reminder that Monday, June 3rd is the last day to get your football camp forms and payments into the high school office!
Also, high school football players will be fundraising by selling softener salts this year. Do you want to help out the players, have your salt delivered and put in your home for you? Tiger football players are here for you! See picture for more details.

School supply lists are ready! You can find them at the link below.

Come and support the junior high students tonight as they sing and play for you at their Spring Concert! Doors open at 6:30pm.

Our phone service here at THS has been restored. Thank you for your patience and flexibility in using other forms of communication.

Our phone system is currently down. We are working to resolve the issue promptly. If you need to contact the school, please email the following: Elementary office - rpetersen@thtigers.org; Secondary office - mtobin@thtigers.org; Superintendent's office - hlindberg@thtigers.org

We've got Tiger baseball roster shirts! The window for ordering is short, so make sure you get them ordered ASAP! Deadline is 4/26 at NOON!

Last Chance for 2023-2024 Yearbooks: Order your 2023-2024 yearbook before April 30th, 2024 using the website yearbookforever.com. Simply search "Tekamah-Herman" to view the school store. Please contact hcourson@thtigers.org with any questions or concerns.

Thinking about going into the healthcare field? This is a great opportunity for anyone!
Click on the link to complete the survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeRKj0koVIJp22hv35IeG501CrPPiMRAsOateqNX5EjkFGo8w/viewform?usp=sf_link

Have you ordered your THS '23-'24 Yearbook yet? If not, get yours at the link below!

The book fair is here! With parent/teacher conferences this week, that means you are invited to stop into the library and grab a book or four, along with all the other goodies available.
If you aren't able to stop in with your student(s), you can order online here:

Click on the link below for the 2024-2025 Tekamah-Herman school calendar. Please note that every Friday next school year, all students will get out at 2pm.

Last week, Mrs. Jackson's 8th grade science class was studying waves and their properties using dominoes, craft sticks and water. Here is a little glimpse into their findings.

Today's season opener for baseball has been cancelled due to weather.