Boys state wrestling apparel is ready to order! Get yours BEFORE MONDAY (2/17) at 8AM!

Get your girls state wrestling apparel BEFORE February 11th at noon!

Congratulations, Nevaeh Ritter and Sayla Altemose! Their artworks have been selected for the 2025 WISE Art Show hosted by Buena Vista University. To see their art and others:

Attention: Rural Tekamah-Herman School District Patrons The IRS has increased the standard mileage rates for 2025. The new rate is 70 cents per mile (up 3 cents from 2024). Tekamah-Herman School District patrons with children in grades K-12 are eligible to claim mileage to and from the nearest school or pick-up location. If you have any questions, please contact Heidi Lindberg at 402.374.2157 or hlindberg@thtigers.org

Third grade used to Ozobots to learn robotic concepts and coding. Ozobots are tiny robots that can be programmed to follow lines, detect colors, and navigate mazes. Thank you, Mrs., Stacey from the Burt County Extension office for helping them!

The third grade celebrated the end of their module about frogs by having a Frog Festival. They learned about unique frogs and their behavior and physical adaptations. They wrote paragraphs, essays and drew scientific drawings. They compiled books about their frogs to share with first grade.

If you would like to follow both Tiger Wrestling teams, you can do so here: https://www.facebook.com/TekamahHermanTigerWrestling
Get up to date information on tournament results as well as the Wrestlers of the Week!

Do you have a Tekamah-Herman yearbook that you wouldn't mind passing on? The school library is looking to expand their collection. If you have one that you don't mind giving to the school, send the year in an email to tnathan@thtigers or asheets@thtigers.

It's Veterans Day and today we want to celebrate two of our very own, as well as all others. Don't forget to join us this morning for our Veterans Day program at 10am in the high school auditorium.

We've got some new apparel that is ready for you to order! We now have a store that is open all year long for all kinds of Tekamah-Herman gear. Click below to enter your store of choice and place your order today.

Mayor Jane Walford spoke to Mrs. Fleischman's 6th grade classes today as part of their studies on different levels of government.

It's that time of year again! State Wrestling tickets are available for purchase. Forms will be in the high school office if you need them. Deadlines are strict, so be prompt in returning everything to the office BY 12/6! You can also email mtobin@thtigers.org for forms.

Fine Art students traveled to the Joslyn for a day of exploring art through music, dance, theater, and visual arts. Students toured the newly remodeled Joslyn Art Museum and finished the with a concert performed by the Omaha Symphony.

Seventh graders explored sculpture parks and how artists created 3 dimensional works of art. Students used cardboard to create their own sculptures.

Our Class of 2025 is continuing their fundraising for their Washington D.C. trip in March. They would like to include the community in getting a chance to support all 16 seniors attending!
Click on the link to donate via Close Up directly (follow the instructions in the attached letter) or you can also mail/drop off a check to the school. The students appreciate you!

These stores close soon! Thank you for supporting our THS students!

Did yesterday's alert NOT get to you via email or text? We NEED to know! Please email mtobin@thtigers.org if you are a parent/guardian of a student and didn't receive BOTH a text and an email. Please include your phone number along with email and your student(s) name(s).

Your book fair support is always appreciated!

Your book fair support is always appreciated!

Don't forget that we have a page dedicated to all our school group fundraisers and forms. We've got Close-Up yard signs, wrestling and basketball apparel available now! Check out this link below to place your orders today!