It's Tekamah-Herman Spotlight Thursday. This week we are celebrating Mrs. O'Mara and Mrs. Roche!
almost 3 years ago, Michelle Tobin
Mrs. O'Mara
Mrs. Roche
REMINDER: Spring picture day is tomorrow, March 9th in the am! Only students who return an order form will have their pictures taken. Elementary students were sent home with their forms last week. Middle and high school students have forms available in the office.
almost 3 years ago, Michelle Tobin
Picture day
This week went so fast, we overlooked some duties for Thursday. Bringing you Tekamah-Herman's student driven Spotlight to start your weekend off right. Enjoy Mrs. Cass and Ms. Mayo, because we sure do!
almost 3 years ago, Michelle Tobin
Mrs. Cass
Ms. Mayo
Next week, February 28-March 4 is Read Across America! The Elementary students will be celebrating all week. One of the things we do is dress-up days. Every child in the Elementary receives a book to take home, thanks to generous donors in our community and surrounding area.
almost 3 years ago, Renee Petersen
Read Across America
Read Across America
Did you miss the spotlight last week? No fear, we're back at it this week. Hope you enjoy a little tidbit or two about Mrs. Eriksen and Mr. Breedlove!
almost 3 years ago, Michelle Tobin
Mrs. Eriksen
Mr. Breedlove
Mr. Burnett's class did the Pledge of Allegiance on KAT 103.7 this morning! Gina Melton read to the class earlier this week via Zoom. Each student in the class also received a book. Click the link to hear the recording.
about 3 years ago, Renee Petersen
Here's the Tekamah-Herman Spotlight coming hot off the press! Enjoy Mrs. Nathan and Mrs. Miller this week along with their fun tidbits.
about 3 years ago, Michelle Tobin
Mrs. Nathan
Mrs. Miller
Do you have awesome school spirit and want to spread it around? You should attend the meeting for the cheer squad for 2022-2023! Now is your opportunity. Hope to see you there!
about 3 years ago, Michelle Tobin
Cheer Meeting
Mascot meeting
Check out this valentine fundraiser for FCCLA students attending our Peer Education Conference!
about 3 years ago, Michelle Tobin
Valentine Cookie Sales
We are starting our Thursday off the right way with a little Tekamah-Herman Spotlight. Come see what Mrs. Bridges and Mrs. Pinion are all about this morning!
about 3 years ago, Michelle Tobin
Mrs. Bridges
Mrs. Pinion
Don't your Thursday's sometimes run into your Friday's? Good! Ours do too. Here's the regularly scheduled Thursday Tekamah-Herman Spotlight posted on Friday. This week we have Mrs. Gibson and Mr. Eriksen front and center.
about 3 years ago, Michelle Tobin
Mrs. Gibson
Mr. Eriksen
TODAY is THE DAY! Check out this video from Joe Beckman to all of our T-H students, parents and staff! Students will get a chance to enjoy Joe's message today and we hope parents will come and enjoy him tonight!
about 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
Joe Beckman
You've got Joe Beckman put on your calendar for Monday, January 17th, right? That's great! If you don't, please make sure you do, because you are not going to want to miss Joe's delivery on how much human connection matters!
about 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
Flyer on Joe Beckman
They're baaaaaack! Our student driven Tekamah-Herman Spotlight is back in action. Check out this week's feature with Mrs. Hansen and Mrs. Brenneis.
about 3 years ago, Michelle Tobin
Mrs. A Hansen
Mrs. Brenneis
Do you have this marked on your calendar yet? If not, make sure you have the date and time reserved! You really aren't going to want to miss Joe Beckman on Monday, January 17th!
about 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
Speaker Joe Beckman
Parents, mark your calendars! You aren't going to want to miss this speaker. Thank you to Tekamah-Herman Foundation for helping bring this dynamic speaker to our school and community.
about 3 years ago, Tekamah-Herman Schools
Just a few reminders for tonight: -Elementary Concert tonight for K-4! Concert starts at 6:30. Doors (old main entry) will open at 6pm. -ELVPD will be in the new addition commons area for COVID vaccines from 3:30 - 5:00PM. New main entry doors will remain open until 5pm.
about 3 years ago, Michelle Tobin
There's a combined 51 years of experience between our two Tekamah-Herman Spotlight staff this week! Mrs. Connealy and Mrs. Niewohner are this week's feature.
about 3 years ago, Michelle Tobin
Mrs. Connealy
Mrs. Niewohner
This may be a day late, but definitely not forgotten. Mrs. Braniff and Mrs. Gahan are this week's Tekamah-Herman Spotlight!
about 3 years ago, Michelle Tobin
Mrs. Braniff
Mrs. Gahan
Snow day and late start information attached....
about 3 years ago, Michelle Tobin
Snow day info